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import axios from "./axiosInstance";
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
import {
} from "@/interfaces";
 * Fetches a list of movies based on various filters.
 * @param {IPopularMoviesParams} params - The parameters for fetching popular movies.
 * @returns {Promise<IMovie[]>} A promise that resolves to a list of movies.
export const getMovies = ({
}: IPopularMoviesParams): Promise<IMovie[]> => {
  return axios.get(`discover/movie?language=${selectedLanguage}`, {
    params: {
      page: page,
      sort_by: typeof sortBy === "object" && "key" in sortBy ? sortBy.key : sortBy,
      with_genres: selectedGenres?.map((obj: IGenre) =>",") || null,
      "primary_release_date.gte": startDate
        ? DateTime.fromISO(startDate).toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
        : null,
      "primary_release_date.lte": endDate ? DateTime.fromISO(endDate).toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") : null,
 * Fetches a list of upcoming movies.
 * @param {string} selectedLanguage - The language for the movie data.
 * @param {number} [page=1] - The page number for pagination.
 * @returns {Promise<IMovie[]>} A promise that resolves to a list of upcoming movies.
export const getUpcomingMovies = (
  selectedLanguage: string,
  page: number = 1
): Promise<IMovie[]> => {
  return axios.get(`/movie/upcoming?language=${selectedLanguage}&page=${page}`);
 * Searches for movies based on a query string.
 * @param {string} query - The search query.
 * @param {number} [page=1] - The page number for pagination.
 * @returns {Promise<IMovie[]>} A promise that resolves to a list of movies matching the query.
export const searchMovies = async (query: string, page: number = 1): Promise<IMovie[]> => {
  const response = await axios.get("/search/movie", {
    params: {
      query: query,
      page: page,
 * Fetches details for a specific movie.
 * @param {string | undefined} movieId - The ID of the movie.
 * @param {string} sessionId - The session ID for the user.
 * @param {string} selectedLanguage - The language for the movie data.
 * @returns {Promise<IMovie>} A promise that resolves to the movie details.
export const getMovie = (
  movieId: string | undefined,
  sessionId: string,
  selectedLanguage: string
): Promise<IMovie> => {
  return axios.get(`movie/${movieId}?language=${selectedLanguage}`, {
    params: {
      session_id: sessionId,
      append_to_response: "credits,keywords,reviews,recommendations,account_states",
 * Fetches a list of movie genres.
 * @param {string} selectedLanguage - The language for the genre data.
 * @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves to the list of genres.
export const getGenres = (selectedLanguage: string): Promise<any> => {
  return axios.get(`/genre/movie/list?language=${selectedLanguage}`);
 * Marks a movie as favorite for the user.
 * @param {IFavoriteMoviePayload} payload - The payload containing account ID, session ID, movie ID, and favorite status.
 * @returns {Promise<IMovieResponse>} A promise that resolves to the response of the favorite action.
export const setFavoriteMovie = ({
}: IFavoriteMoviePayload): Promise<IMovieResponse> => {
  return`/account/${accountId}/favorite?session_id=${sessionId}`, {
    media_type: "movie",
    media_id: id,
    favorite: favorite,
 * Adds or removes a movie from the user's watchlist.
 * @param {IWatchListPayload} payload - The payload containing account ID, session ID, movie ID, and watchlist status.
 * @returns {Promise<IMovieResponse>} A promise that resolves to the response of the watchlist action.
export const setMovieInWatchList = ({
}: IWatchListPayload): Promise<IMovieResponse> => {
  return`/account/${accountId}/watchlist?session_id=${sessionId}`, {
    media_type: "movie",
    media_id: id,
    watchlist: isInWatchlist,
 * Rates a movie for the user.
 * @param {IRatingPayload} payload - The payload containing movie ID, rating, and session ID.
 * @returns {Promise<IMovieResponse>} A promise that resolves to the response of the rating action.
export const rateMovie = ({ id, rating, sessionId }: IRatingPayload): Promise<IMovieResponse> => {
  return`/movie/${id}/rating?session_id=${sessionId}`, {
    value: rating,
 * Deletes the user's rating for a movie.
 * @param {IDeleteRatingPayload} payload - The payload containing movie ID and session ID.
 * @returns {Promise<IMovieResponse>} A promise that resolves to the response of the delete rating action.
export const deleteMovieRating = ({
}: IDeleteRatingPayload): Promise<IMovieResponse> => {
  return axios.delete(`/movie/${id}/rating?session_id=${sessionId}`);